Watch our how to submit a claim video HERE

1. Once you have completed our online form we will allocate you as Performer of Infinite Clarity Limited within 48 hours

2 . The PCSE will then send you an email to confirm when we have registered you as a Performer

3. We will then send you an email with some forms that you need to compete and return to us

     4. You will then be able to log into NHS PCSE and claim your CPD grant.

     5. Select Infinite Clarity Limited (TP8M7) as the contractor from the drop down menu after Login Page

6. Search ‘Ophthalmic’, then ‘Make a claim’, then select ‘CET’

     7. Please make a reference number, we suggest using the date and your GOC number, eg 050724-01-18394

8. Then sign your application, ‘Save awaiting Contractor signatory”

9. We will then sign the contractor page within 48 hours

10. The PCSE payment runs are every month *

     11. We will transfer your funds within a 48 hours of payment to us

12. We will then email you to confirm when the payment has been paid into your bank account.




*Your monthly claim deadlines and our associated NHS PSCE payment dates are:


Claim submitted before:                      NHS PCSE payment date: Payment in your account

12th July 2024                                      19th August 2024 21st August 2024

14th August 2024                                   18th September 2024 20th September 2024

13th September 2024                           18th October 2024 20th October 2024

14th October 2024                               18th November 2024 20th November 2024



If your employer (the contractor) has not made CPD available to you then you are entitled to be passed on the payment.

The contractor may retain a small administration fee.

The contractor may be entitled to keep the allowance, if they’ve provided you with CPD in paid time.

If less than 12 points have been made available, then a proportion should be passed on to you.

You should negotiate how much with them and reach an agreement in advance.

The allowance is to compensate for the time taken to undertake the CPD and not for the costs of the CPD,

or even the costs of travel to and from the CPD event.


However, if you and the contractor have come to a separate agreement, then that agreement will take precedence.

Such agreements should be included in your employment contract or in your terms and conditions of employment.

If you were advised of free education as part of your welcome package, then the CPD Grant would you yours and not your employers.

We recommend you check your contract to see if you are bound by any conditions.

As most employers will not have provided CPD in paid time, then the majority of employed optometrists we eligible to receive their CET grant.


There is no obligation in the regulations for any contractor to submit a claim on behalf of any performer,

or for any performer to claim via any particular contractor. So, in theory, you can choose which contractor you ask to sign your claim form.


  • If your employer has provided you with CPD in paid time, you may feel that you have a professional obligation to claim via that employer

  • Some employers have inserted clauses in their contracts of employment, making it obligatory for the employee to claim via that employer. Such a clause is binding.

  • The National Health Service (NHS) expect that a claim will normally be paid via a contractor for whom the performer works or has worked (in England and Wales)

  • It is not always possible to claim via a contractor you have worked for and in this case it may be reasonable to use a contractor that you have not worked for.

Start you CPD Grant Claim today